News & Press
The Meat Up Menu review from The Londonist
Butler Wharf Chop House's Meat Up menu is dished up to us apace: devilled kidneys are cooked up delectably in fino sherry, mustard and spring onions, proving the dish has a place outside of PG Wodehouse novels; generous rivulets of bone marrow run off, to form fatty puddles on crisp slices of toast.
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Street Eats have featured the Butlers Wharf BBQ festival in a great round-up of the top BBQ spots in London
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In light of the Butlers Wharf restaurants collaboration with them for Barbecue Week, Foodism have run an advertorial for the competition.
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SquareMeal featured the Butlers Wharf restaurants in their piece on ‘Where to eat in London this BBQ Week’.
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